Fallout 4 pre war sanctuary mod
Fallout 4 pre war sanctuary mod

fallout 4 pre war sanctuary mod

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    fallout 4 pre war sanctuary mod

    Optional just listing it in case anyone is interested Rebuild - Modular Sanctuary Pre-War and Post-War Build Set These are a new vendor counter i found totally optional I'm still learning how to script the menu addition.CWSS Redux v4 - Craftable Working Showers Sinks Baths Toilets Urinals Kitchens etcĮasy Homebuilder and Working Double Beds (Rebuild your Sanctuary)įrost's Vendor Counter Overhaul (Standalone) Mods that add menu items via a script should function normally. The menu I edited isn't touched by many other mods, so it is unlikely there will be compatibility issues, but it's still possible for it to mess with other build mods. Otherwise, this mod modifies the default game menu. For manual install copy files to your "Fallout 4/Data" folder. Use Nexus Mod Manager or Mod Organizer to install. Sanctuary furniture (already add via other mods, but to make this a one stop shop, they'll be added)ĭo It Yourshelf - Bookshelves in my mod have Snap-Points support for DIYs Roof Overhaul (Seperate Roof, Ceiling, and Walls to create a more versatile system) More Varied Pieces (closet half wall, windows for interior, columns, other suggestions)

    fallout 4 pre war sanctuary mod

    Current build colors are Blue, Green, Yellow, and Red! All are Navmeshed!īa2 Archives version (Loose version will stick around)

    fallout 4 pre war sanctuary mod

    Allows you to build your own Sanctuary homes of varying heights.īuild set contains Floors, Walls, Railings, and Roofs in the Sanctuary style, in both Pre-War and Post-War fashion. It adds two new categories under "Structures>Metal" - "Pre War Sanctuary" & "Post War Sanctuary", to your workshop. Wonder no more! Now you can build in the style of Sanctuary. Rebuild - Modular Pre-War & Post War Sanctuary Build SetĮver found it odd that Sanctuary has a unique building style, but yet, you can't build anything like it?

    Fallout 4 pre war sanctuary mod